Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Front Porch Garden

When I had the dingo I had Tony dig up the front porch garden as well. It was congested with roots from the tree and I couldn't dig in it by hand.

Annuals I had put in there never made it, I guess they couldn't compete with the roots.

Today I planted my aspelnum (birds nest fern) in there, as well as divided up some of the existing gerberas and planted the extras along the front.

I know it's not really the time of year to be moving plants/putting plants in, but I have to do things when I feel motivated to. If they don't survive it's just tough.

I'm sure the asplenum will do ok there, it's the only one I really wouldn't want to lose.

Still have more room in that garden, haven't decided what else to put in there yet. Mostly cos I can't afford to go buy more plants.

Have been thinking of maybe putting the gardenias that I renovated in there, not 100% sure how they would go in there though, it may be too shady for them (gets late afternoon sun).

Also today planted the wedding bush (riconocarpis tubulata) in the side garden. Hopefully it will grow enough to keep getting some sun when winter comes and that garden bed is in total shade.

It's a hard area to plant - total shade in winter and full sun in summer.

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