Sunday, October 30, 2005


A few weeks ago I put fertiliser on the gardenias, camelias and azaleas.

Now 4 of the 8 gardenias have heaps of yellow leaves :( Why only the four? I've used that fertiliser on them before and used the same one on all the plants - so why only those four? I don't get it.

Dietes are flowering again! I'm really liking these plants, flowers about every two weeks.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

5 Weeks Into Spring...

Pepper Trees - noticed from the upstairs window today that one of them is covered in flowers!!!!!!!!!!

Chinese Tallow and Liquidambar are both 'in leaf'. Liquidambar is also in 'seed' so have many seedy thingys littering up the place - it's almost as bad as when it looses its' leaves but worse - cos when these seed thingys get wet they stain the paving and stone path :(

Peach - is in flower, but only on one branch, obviously got the pruning wrong last year.

Hippiastrum - now there are three flowers on the ones in the pot and two in the ground!

Frangipani - hasn't put on any leaves for the season as yet, wonder how many flowers I'll get this year.

Azaleas - one brave plant has put on some new flowers, after I thought they'd all finished doing their thing!

Lawn - the fertiliser spreader mustn't do so well on the 'down run' of the lawn, I have not-so-wonderful stripes of less-than-green lawn. Maybe next time I'll do both accross and up/down and end up with a chequerboard lawn!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

How to Kill the Weeds?

It's an absolute corker of a Spring day today!!

I have to work out how to get rid of the weeds in the vege patch.

The problem is the bird netting that I put on the ground to stop the cats from using the patch as their toilet - it stops me from being able to dig/pull/scratch out the weeds that have now grown.

I think I'll try spraying them, but will have to block off the vege plants to do so, otherwise they'll cark it too.

Or maybe I'll just take the netting off as the plants are now established, meaning that the cat digging will not be the problem it was at the start.