Sunday, August 28, 2005

I love City Farmers!

A common cry throughout Australia for the last few years I guess.

Having planted the vege patch last week with rain forecast for Wednesday night the rain never really happened, so I watered it Saturday morning - of course it rained Saturday night and today! Ah well, it's all still alive and growing and that's all that really matters.

Snail pellets were definately a good idea and I gave them some Dynamic Lifter type fertiliser today (hopefully to be watered in tonight by more rain).

BUT my vege patch has a problem - of the feline kind. 5 cats live at the abode behind mine (I'm on a corner) and two days after planting the patch they had started using it as their latrine :(. So on Friday night I dropped by City Farmes to get something to deter them.

Picked out a powder that is mixed in a watering can, was $12-something. Then the man at the counter suggested an alternative - bird netting. At $3.00 a metre and 4 metres wide, I only really needed one metre ... you just lay it on the ground, cut out holes for your plants and hey presto, el-cheapo solution less offensive than a chemical solution! Supposedly when the cats now start to scratch on the ground they will feel the netting and not keep digging.

Is yet to be seen if it actually works as I only put it down today - and with the rain I'm not sure how much the cats will be around the next few days... but we will see.

It impresses the heck out of me when a person who works for the store suggests something that is going to mean me spending a lot LESS in their shop than I was otherwise going to .. mind you I am pretty much a regular and known by name by many of the staff in there, so maybe that has something to do with it, either way I was impressed.

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