Saturday, January 17, 2004

Planting of the Fernery

(click on the pics for a bigger picture)

Start with one large pot of Fish Bone fern - trick number one was to get the fern out of the pot without breaking it! Much straining of muscles and sweat later....


Remove ferns into separate plantlets - hmm that's a lot of fern!


Plant ferns into ground and hope like hell they live! There's no reticulation where they are now planted, but this fern is very hardy and I doubt even I can kill it!


Hmmmmm, now what to plant back into the now-empty pot? Left over ferns of course!!


The fernery about 3 weeks later. Some are growing, some don't look crash hot and some are dead. I think it will end up ok.


Update: The fernery got moved - details in this post.

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