The first camelia flower opened today. The plant has had buds ever since I bought it (back in January I think). They (the buds) went quite brownish on the outside and I thought they were going to die, but today I am rewarded with a flower, and the others will surely open now too.
The dietes iriodies are on their second lot of flowers :) ... so two lots of white flowers at the moment.
The gardenias are looking a little pale (the leaves), but so was someone elses I saw yesterday so perhaps it's just the time of year. I think it's a little early to be fertilising them just yet.
Some of the azaleas have a few buds. The plants in the sun are looking a little stunted and pale, the ones in the shade have lovely dark green leaves.
The mamma clivia seems to be about to have a flower, it has made two more babies since I planted it in the ground. It's first baby seems to be doing ok, but too small for flowering yet I think.
The hydrangeas are covered over by philodendron leaves so I can't get a good look at them except to be able to see they are still alive.
The liriope seed I bought from Queensland finally, after many months and almost giving up hope, broke ground and there are about 11 plants - not bad for $10.00 instead of $8 per plant at the nursery. They are growing very slowly.
The dietes seeds given to me by the lady across the road have germinated well, but are also growing slwly, again I think it's just because of the time of year.
Pruned the roses last weekend.
Gardenias in the front garden, and native violet doing well.
Sweet peas grew well and are currently flowering - red and white flowers so far.
Something bad happened to the beans, they were growing well but now most of the leaves are brown and dying - maybe overspray from the glyphosate I used on the weeds in that area.
Yellow day lilly up the back divided, and babies in pots flowering.
White irises from out the front divided and growing well in pots. Plan to sell these and the day lillies at the Salvos carpark meet one day.
No idea what has come up in the pot in which I thought I planted the native frangipani seed given by the lady across the road; she says it doesn't look like native franigipani.
Jonquils almost finished, didn't get any daffodils, but maybe they are just later.
Plenty of hyacinths coming up under the avocado tree.
Poppies coming up everywhere.
Finally a sucessful planting of mixed flower seeds in the very front garden (aka the problem spot with weird soil). Cosmos flowering there, lots of other plants have come up there but no idea what they are and can't remember what was in the packet - but there are many plants, ie not just weeds.
Bindii growing in the lawn.
Rocket in the rear herb garden growing slowly but looks ok.