Camelia - second lot of flowers out, still more to come.
Azaleas - Charity (lightest pink, behind the big tree) flowering well, Snowflake flowering too but not as well.
Dietes iriodes - some have set seed!! They will definately be harvested and sown.
Gardenias - no flowers nor sighting of buds :(
Clivia - mamma certainly flowered. The flower stalk is short but it's a great flash or orange in the garden.
Lioriope Mascari - the ones in the ground looked very sad, dead ends on the blades but most had a bunch of new growth coming from the middle so I gave them all a fairly severe hair cut. Some have put out babies.
Sweet Pea - as well as the red and white flowers I got the palest mauve, a deep purple and a deep red too. Am pleased with how they went, might do that again next year (tepee in a pot).
Babiana in pots growing vigorously but no sign of flowers, may need to fertilise differently.
Potatoes in tyres harvested - a goodly crop this time.
Beans - all pulled out of the ground, they never recovered from whatever hit them.
Still finding bindii in the lawn, not so bad since getting out there gets me out of the house and into the beautiful warm sun.
Nectarine is heavily in blossom, will have to be better at pulling fruit off this year so another branch doesn't break off. Wasn't sure how it would go this year considering the heavy prune I gave it.
Leucospernum - putting on some flowers. Again, wasn't sure whether it would as I pruned it last year. As the pruning didn't kill it I'll do it again, further back this time, once the flowers have finished.
King Protea - don't like it's shape at all, will try to take cuttings and see if I can grow a new one.
Pruned the mini standard roses, think I need to put them into the sun.
Might have to go to Waldecks and finally spend my gift voucher tomorrow!